Bree here!
Guess what? We're putting together a 2015 calendar, six pics for me and six pics for Marie. I'm having a hard time choosing, so I need your help.
I will mark these pics with numbers, so pick your six favorites (it doesn't have to be six) and in the comments leave the numbers.
The ^^ up arrow will help you as to which one I'm talking about.
1. ^^I'm definitely doing this one.^^
2. ^^And this.^^
3. Should I do this one?^^
4. ^^I like this one, but could you see it in a calendar?^^
5. Fountain Series:
Which is your favorite angle?
*When you comment, put 5 if you want any and put ; and your favorite letter.
___, 5; C, ___...
6. ^^^ Pretty enough??^^^ (meh)
7. ^^^ I like this one. ^^^ :)
8. ^^^ My mom took this pic, would you like to see it in our calendar?^^^ (that night's sunset was phenomenal. You shoulda been there.)
9. ^^^ I took this one a while back, in the beginning of the year when all the flowers were in bloom. Do you like it??^^^ (it was, afterall, a hit on Facebook, at least.) ;D
10. ^^^Pink Flowers are so pretty!^^^
11. ^^^ I've always liked this one.^^^
12. ^^^
13. ^^^I believe this one will be on the cover!!^^^
14. ^^^Look familiar??^^^
15. ^^^This one warms my heart.^^^ :)
16. ^^^How about this one? I think it would look good for something like April.^^^
17. ^^^ LOL, Marie's and mine feet.^^^
18. ^^^LOVE!!^^^
Pick a Puppy Series!
19. (same with fountain) ^^
20. ^^^
22. ^^^My hand!!!^^^
23.^^^Another pink flower.^^^ :)
I know that was a lot, I'm so upset I can only choose six! :(
The ones with the most votes will be taken into consideration, and thank you for your help, I appreciate it!!
(Marie might do similar post)